Ashok Goods Transport Co.
Ashok Goods Transport Co. is well positioned to provide prompt and efficient heavy transportation services as per customers’ requirements. We also provides an exemplary service supporting all Industry sectors, like that Automotive, Industrial, Power sector, Paper Plant machinery, Wind energy equipment and oil field equipment. Implementing large scale projects may become the area where we able to best display our diverse integrated capabilities. Because such projects entail the co-ordination of a wide range of technical know-How, engineering management and planning.
We are good reputation in heavy transportation services. Ashok Goods Transport Co. has been very successful in establishing long-term relationship with its existing clientele. We considers its clients to be partners whose success will in no small way contribute to make Ashok Goods Transport Co the leading heavy transport company in the last three coming decade. We have vast experience in heavy transporting over dimensional and heavy haul freight like Power sector, Wind energy equipment and Oil field equipment.

Company Profile
Trivedi Group is one of India’s finest transport company with more than 21 years experience in Domestic Moving Service, TTC is client oriented company Our company believes six basics principles
- Commitment
- Dedication
- Quality management
- Innovation
- Versatility
- 24*7 client care services
You Should Know
We have many warehouses at different locations for Warehousing, Packing/Repacking or any job kind of job work.
Daily stock reports which is helpful for better materials planning.
Local transportation from Plant to warehouse.
Constructing more warehouses at different locations.